Who is Ada?
Transgender Warrior Princex, from California to Ohio to the Netherlands
Bio Block Here
Life Stats
I love all my accomplishments equally… (earlier that day: “I don’t care for the time I’ve put into smash”).
Vehicles I can Operate
Legal Name Changes
College Courses Taught
Hours in Super Smash Bros
The start of my existence. Everyone grows up in ‘unprecedented times’, but I got to experience the societal shifts of the rise of the internet (social media, streaming video, cloud computing, instant messaging, etc).
Kindergarten and first grade at a public school. This is the first time I remember being told I was smart, and it was all downhill from there.
My parents sent us to a private Lutheran school for 2nd-4th grades. There, I met my best childhood friend Luke, whom I would later turn on and bully for the chance at feeling like I belonged…
Moved schools again, to a Catholic elementary school, for 5th-8th grade. I had occasional outbursts, and continued my aggro streak on a couple occasions. The honors math class was my safe haven away from everything else going on.
4 years of catholic high school… I hopped around friend groups, and spent a lot of time with ASB & theatre. I won “best accessorized” and “most likely to be president” superlatives.
My dad died of cancer in my freshman year of high school. He was the binding force of our family, so his absence hit us hard. I’m grateful for all the childhood experiences he made possible for me, even if golf or little league baseball weren’t my thing.
Attended UC San Diego to study Mechanical Engineering. Unfortunately I hated it. Had lots of friend groups between the RAs, running club, Nerdfighters, the Wet n Wild Wednesday crew, and of course Claire.
After questioning and exploring my gender (thanks Tumblr), determined that why I’m “like that” is because I don’t feel like a man. Came out as agender to my friends and started using they/them pronouns.
Attended The Ohio State University to study Higher Education and Student Affairs. Grad school was tough, but I learned a lot, really developing my perspective on social justice and systemic issues.
Married Claire in San Diego, California, after 5 years together. It didn’t change much about our relationship, but was nice to have an opportunity to celebrate and ‘make it official’.
Finally got my first ‘real adult job’ as an Academic Advisor for undecided students. It was a really rewarding job where I got to have meaningful conversations about students’ values and goals.
Began questioning what my queerness meant to me outside of school and work, and started gender counseling to explore some Unresolved Feelings – I thought I might’ve been a trans woman, not just nonbinary.
Realized that transition didn’t have to be tied to gender identity. Regardless of what label I used, I knew I wanted the changes HRT had to offer, and started the joyful, terrifying, magical journey of becoming myself.
Chosen to lead the Humanitarian Engineering Scholars program at OSU, an incredible role that brought me back into the world of engineering. It’s sparked a new career interest in me, we’ll see where that goes…
Dissolved my marriage with Claire. We wanted different things and had been struggling with our balance for a while. She was incredibly supportive during my transition, which I will always be grateful for.
2024 (TBD)
Moving on, might as well go big! Quit my job, went south for a while, then moved to the Netherlands!
Check Back Later
More thrilling adventures as I continue typing these out, and time continues passing, thus allowing for more milestones!